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Mangata Festival is the brain child of Mangata Music, a collective of event professionals and heavy music enthusiasts, aiming to bring some of the best talent alternative music has to offer to Nottingham City Centre!



Disabled Access

The Rescue Rooms is a ground floor venue with no stairs and disabled toilet access, however this is regretfully no disabled access to the Red Rooms. There is no disabled viewing platform. Ghost Nightclub is a second floor venue with no step free access. Both the Tap & Tumbler and Liquid Library are ground floor venues with step free access, however there is no disabled toilet in either venue.



Photo Policy

Ticket holders are not permitted to bring tripods or any kind of professional camera or lighting equipment into the venue. If you are taking photos or filming around the festival, please respect people’s privacy. Some people may not want to have their image taken. If you would like to apply for a photo pass, please contact us.




Wristbands will be issued upon arrival. These must not be removed, as persons without a wristband will be ejected from the event.

Abusive or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated and you will be ejected from the festival immediately. Please note that bag and person searches will be in operation throughout the festival. Prohibited items will be confiscated. These include, but are not limited to: drugs, weapons, glass, alcohol. Please note that you will not be permitted to bring food and drink into the venue.

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